How to Make a Bluth Frozen Banana


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For our Arrested Development themed party (watch the video below!) we made Bluth Frozen Bananas for our guests. (We also made corn balls.) Here’s how it’s done!


  • Bananas
  • Peanuts
  • Chocolate Chips
  • Skewers/popsicle sticks (optional)


  1. Skewer your bananas through the bottom (like a popsicle) if you want skewers. I recommend cutting your bananas in half! Put these on a tray in a freezer while you heat your chocolate.
  2. Crush up your peanuts and set them aside on a plate or shallow bowl.
  3. Pour your chocolate chips into a microwaveable container and microwave for 30 seconds. Keep cooking for small increments of time (10-30 seconds) while stirring the chocolate in between to help it melt. (You can also use whatever your favorite way of melting chocolate is!)
  4. Take out your bananas (they don’t really have to be frozen!) and cover them in the melted chocolate, then peanuts.
  5. Put your bananas onto a tray covered with butcher paper in the freezer for 10-15 minutes until frozen.

Watch us make these, cornballer cornballs, and other Arrested Development party stuff here: